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Posts Tagged "webinars"

Our Upcoming Webinar Lineup

Don’t Miss Our Upcoming Webinars

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Q1 2024 Webinars: Distribution Order & MRP

Don’t miss these webinar replays! Conquer the Distribution Devil Managing material flow through multiple distribution centers efficiently can be a devilish challenge. But it’s a devil you can conquer with our DO (Distribution Order) Workbench, a must-have tool that works seamlessly with QAD. In this webinar, Olena Stepovyk demonstrates how the DO Workbench gives you […]

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Webinar Replays Are Always Available

Did you know that replays of our past webinars are always available for you to watch on our website? Simply go to our Webinar page. You’ll see our most recent webinar (right now, that’s Using SAF codes for more robust reporting) featured and Additional Webinar replays under that. The webinar replays are categorized by type […]

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Upcoming Webinars: PCC/PCO, Price Lists, and More

Don’t miss these upcoming webinars! Get Control of Product Changes When product changes happen, and they always do, it’s critical to have a process in place to ensure they are carried through the entire cycle. Don Lindsey will give an overview of the change control process and its key elements. He’ll also walk you through […]

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Our Spring 2023 Events!

Spring is so welcomed this year! We hope you can join us at our upcoming  Spring webinars and conference. First up in March, we’ll attend the MWUG Spring 2023 Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, March 19-21. We’ll have a booth there, so please stop by. And, Don Linsey will present Managing QAD Access Security on Monday, […]

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Fast, Accurate and Easy Production Planning Webinar

Accurate production planning and scheduling are critical to your business and its ability to deliver on time. In this webinar replay, find out how our Production Planner Data Loader provides you with… •   real-time access to QAD data •   instant visibility of the orders, resources, capacity and demands •   easy planning and […]

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Webinars for You in 2022!

  We’ve been busy planning webinar topics for 2022 and have a great line-up for you! We’ve not yet firmed updates and times but will be doing so as time grows nearer. Watch your inbox for timing. If you’re not signed up to receive webinar invitations from us, you can join our mailing list below. Make-To-Order: […]

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32 Soft by the Numbers

With 2020 behind us and 2021 bringing hope, we took a look back at the significant milestones for 32 Soft, from our on-going webinars to our fairly new custom training offerings to the installs of our popular Data Loaders. You can find all of our webinar replays here. To find out more about how you […]

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  Productivity Webinars from 32 Soft Designed to improve productivity, our interactive webinars offer QAD users an opportunity to learn, ask questions and share information. You can replay any of our past webinars below. Better yet, scroll down and join our mailing list so you don’t miss another. They’re held only once a month! Is […]

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