QAD & Supply Chain Education

Cost Sets: How To Talk the “Language of Money”

by Don Lindsey Those of us who manage production and supply chain processes spend a lot of ERP system time thinking about numbers, items, run time, capacity, and schedules. However, understanding and managing costs is essential when communicating with other managers and supervisors, specifically financial and senior management. We must translate operating processes into a […]

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Unleash Innovation and Efficiency with Factory Physics

Don Lindsey from 32 Soft and Khoa To from Systemize Partners delivered an enlightening presentation at the MWUG Spring Conference and again in an online webinar highlighting the transformative potential of Factory Physics in manufacturing. Both presentations shed light on how Factory Physics principles can drive innovation, enhance profitability, and support sustainability goals while improving […]

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Just for Fun: Take the Industry Week July 4th Quiz

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Don Lindsey’s Webinar Hosted by WeCug: Optimizing the Role of MRP in QAD

If you didn’t see Don Lindsey’s presentation during the West Coast User Group’s Spring webinar series, you can watch the replay below. In the webinar, Don shows you how to unlock MRP’s full capabilities to streamline your supply chain, improve efficiency, and drive greater profitability. Whether you’re a seasoned MRP user or are just now […]

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The Benefits of Adopting Factory Physics

by Alex Kim Optimizing your manufacturing processes is imperative to maintain a competitive edge. There are many ways to achieve this, but the Factory Physics approach stands out for its holistic and scientific perspective. At its core, Factory Physics views manufacturing systems as interconnected networks of resources, processes, and flows and provides a structured methodology […]

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Break Up the Bottlenecks in Your Requisition Process

Your procurement processes must be efficient for your company to be competitive and healthy. However, many organizations struggle with bottlenecks in their requisition systems that hold them back from growth and optimal success. How Procurement Bottlenecks Hurt Having bottlenecks in your procurement process will increase costs. You could miss opportunities for cost savings and discounts […]

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Vanilla vs. Customized ERP? Or Something More Effective?

Watch Eric Kimberling’s discussion on one of the biggest questions asked in any software implementation—should you implement the standard, vanilla software or customize it to fit your organization’s needs? Which is the best path for you and your company? What are you trying to accomplish as an organization? Are you creating a competitive advantage or […]

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What Does QAD ERP O3 Mean for You? Time Will Tell.

by Alex Kim At the Midwest User Group Fall 2023 conference, QAD announced the release of QAD ERP O3. They will introduce O3 to select customers beginning in June 2024, with a general release in early 2025. QAD promises that, with ERP O³, “upgrades will become far easier, allowing you to stay current with the […]

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Don Lindsey presents ‘Managing QAD Access Security’ for WECUG Spring Webinar Series

  In May, Don Lindsey from 32 Soft was invited to participate in the West Coast User Group’s Spring Webinar series. Don presented Managing QAD Access Security. You can watch his presentation below. Don discussed managing access rights during onboarding, role changes, and offboarding; practicing Segregation of Duties (SoD); maintaining an access control matrix; performing periodic access […]

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Manufacturing Trends 2023: We Can Help!

Smaller, more targeted projects • More modern ERP systems • Less customization by Alex Kim I’ve been watching and reading the 2023 trends in the manufacturing industry, and one thing is abundantly clear. Companies are closely examining their business practices and being very careful about how they spend their money. Instead of investing in and […]

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