Managing Contracts in QAD

The QAD Field Service Management (FSM, formerly SSM) is one of the most robust aspects of QAD, especially when managing after-sales activities. In this webinar, Don Lindsey delves into the complexities of contracts and warranties and touches on some of the tools of FSM that impact Contracts and Warranties. In this webinar, Don …

  • Provides an overview of FSM
  • Covers Contract Management and Maintenance
  • Explores Service Coverage, Contract Renewal, Billing, Reports and Admin
  • Introduces the new 32 Soft Contract Maintenance Data Loader that helps companies navigate the complexity of the – Contract Maintenance menu

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Questions from the webinar

How many warranty codes are normally used for FSM?
Can you create contracts for items you purchase and sell but don’t manufacture?
Can you just have no-cost contracts and not provide warranties?
Is there a limitation on historical data?