2011 January

Posts made in January, 2011

How to change Sales Order Dates quickly

In rapidly changing business environment customer service need to make sure Sales Orders dates are properly set or quickly changed, if circumstances require. This Data Loader enables QAD users to manage Sales Order dates faster and more accurately. Due, Required, Promise or Performance dates can be quickly inspected and changed in Excel sheet for specific Order […]

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Quick & easy way to submit orders to QAD 7.1.1

Quick and easy way to submit Sales Orders to QAD 7.1.1 from Excel Form.

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High performance alternative to CIM Loads

Because of the recent business trends, the volume of ERP data will keep growing faster regardless which sector you are in, which means IT will get even busier doing more CIMs. How you can improve what you are doing? Is there a better way? Can business users perform data uploads by themselves without IT involved?

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CSR Cockpit Web App

Where Sales and Customer Service functions are performed by third party or from remote location, or en-route… Or when your distributors / sales-service centers could accelerate your business, if they perform online real-time ERP functions… You may consider this online tool as a perfect solution for eliminating mis-communications, errors, poor service and time wasting. It […]

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