New! BOMs on all levels and subassemblies!

Our Product Structure Data Loader, which helps you manage, analyze, and view your product structures and formulas in easy-to-use Excel files — now has a new functionality option: the ability to see and work with your QAD BOM data on all levels and subassemblies! In addition, you can add cost columns to this new Multi-Level Production Structure version.

You can perform all the functions with the new multi-level version that you can with our Product Structure Data Loader. You can create new and modify existing QAD product structures, making it a snap to replace obsolete components across the board. You can safely upload your new and revised data to QAD. (See how our Data Loaders interact with QAD and how they keep your data safe here). Plus, you can synch your data between domains, databases, and different versions of QAD, so you ensure everyone gets the proper Product Structure changes.

Find out more here or contact us for a complimentary trial.