Break Up the Bottlenecks in Your Requisition Process

Your procurement processes must be efficient for your company to be competitive and healthy. However, many organizations struggle with bottlenecks in their requisition systems that hold them back from growth and optimal success.

How Procurement Bottlenecks Hurt

Having bottlenecks in your procurement process will increase costs. You could miss opportunities for cost savings and discounts due to delayed requisition approvals and incur additional expenses because of rush orders. This can diminish your relationships with your suppliers and cause potential supply chain disruptions.

Bottlenecks decrease productivity as employees chase approvals, look for support documentation, and resolve issues.

Compliance risks rise with the inefficiencies that bottlenecks bring. Both internal policies and regulatory requirements can be threatened, leading to maverick spending or penalties for non-compliance.

Worse yet, these inefficiencies can jeopardize your customer relationship when you can’t meet customer demand and due dates. Your company can experience valuable revenue loss and damage to your reputation with customers, suppliers, and across the market.

What are Common Procurement Bottlenecks?

Bottlenecks in your requisition system can occur at a variety of stages in the process, including:

  • Slow and Inefficient Approval Process. Requisition approvals often require multiple layers of manual review, leading to delays as requests await authorization from busy managers. If you have a manual system, the problems just get worse.
  • Lack of Visibility. Limited visibility into the status of requisitions leaves employees in the dark about the progress of their requests. Requests can soon be forgotten until they cause costly urgencies.
  • Poor Communication. Inadequate communication can make bottlenecks worse. Misunderstandings and miscommunications delay processing requisitions.


Addressing Bottlenecks with Requisition Plus

Implementing automation tools like 32 Soft’s Requisition Plus streamlines the approval process. Requisition Plus addresses these common bottlenecks and accelerates requisition processing times. Our customers attest that purchasing approval cycles have greatly improved after using Requisition Plus—they have shortened approval cycles from days to minutes.

Enhancing the visibility for all stakeholders is a crucial step in addressing bottlenecks. Requisition Plus is an online stand-alone portal that easily interfaces with QAD, making your procurement process smooth. Since it is independent, it allows non-QAD users to approve and route purchase requests through the application. Plus, supporting documents, such as quotes, PDFs, email print screens, and more, can be attached to requisitions for everyone to see.

Communication tools help eliminate unnecessary steps and simplify the requisition process and approvals. Requisition Plus gives you flexibility with your approval hierarchy and routes approvals and notifications automatically through an automated, integrated email system. Attached quotes, requisitions, receipts, and other supporting documentation eliminate questions and misunderstandings, improving the approval workflow.

Requisition Plus also gives you easy, one-click batch approval, requisition-to-PO conversion, mass data uploads, and updates to QAD. Reports for analytics are quickly accomplished, even audit reports with automatic traceability and full audit capability.

Requisition Plus is flexible and can fit your purchasing process. It is easy to implement and easy to use. It can be installed quickly, and your team can use it quickly without a long learning curve.

Bottlenecks in requisition systems pose significant challenges to organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Requisition Plus can unlock the full potential of your procurement process and, in doing so, streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance productivity, driving growth and success in today’s competitive landscape.

To learn more about Requisition Plus, click here. Contact us if you like to see a demo.