2022 December

Posts made in December, 2022

Just For Fun: A Lean Vocabulary Quiz

How Well Do You Speak Lean? Here’s a vocabulary quiz to test how well you speak lean. Good Luck and have fun!

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Sending Invoices by Email? Here are some Best Practices

If you are new to sending your invoices by email, here are some best practices for content, form, and ways to avoid your emails from being flagged as spam. What Should Your Invoice Email Say? First, here are some tips for what to include in your emails that are delivering invoices.   Include your invoice […]

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The Fast and Easy Way to Manage QAD Access Security

As your company grows and changes, maintaining security at all levels of the organization is even more critical. Neglecting your data access security can cause irreparable harm to your organization’s reputation and bottom line and lead to hefty financial penalties for SOX non-compliance. To remain SOX compliant, you must manage access rights during onboarding, role […]

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Visualizing data in QAD: schemas, taxonomies, mnemonics and codes

A schema is a cognitive framework or concept that helps organize and interpret information. Schemas and other recognition tools are used everywhere in QAD. Don helps you understand how useful schemas can be and how to use them as guidelines when analyzing the vast amount of information in QAD and discusses general concepts of schemas, […]

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