2021 April

Posts made in April, 2021

QAD User Group Spring V-Conference Wrap Up

  In-person is better, but it was still great to connect with many of you at the QAD User Group Spring 2021 Virtual Conference. Thanks to all who stopped by our booth, attended Don Lindsey’s presentation, participated in our live demo and Ask Me Anything sessions. If you weren’t able to attend the conference or […]

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Ask Me Anything: QAD Challenges & Hot Topics

Join in the discussion with fellow QAD users in our Ask Me Anything 20-minute mini-sessions on April 20 and 21 at 1:30 pm EDT. On April 20, Alex Kim will host QAD Common Challenges. Participants can share some of the challenges they encounter, such as maintaining data sets outside of QAD or automating a manual or laborious process. You can share […]

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QAD User Groups Virtual Spring Conference

We hope you’ll join us at the QAD User Groups Virtual Spring Conference  April 19-21, 2021. We’ll be manning our virtual booth for the three days and our own Don Lindsey will present a session, Dates in QAD: Yesterday Today & Tomorrow on April 19 from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT. During the session, Don will discuss dates in […]

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FREE Utilities & Guides for QAD!

These utilities and guides for QAD will make your life easier—and, they’re FREE!   DIY: Build the Best BI Tool for Your QAD Environment Find out how a fellow QAD user built an outstanding enterprise-wide performance indicator system using MS Power BI. Watch the video   Auto-Populate Pivot Tables from QAD—FREE Our Pivot Populator automatically […]

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Data Loaders: Clean, Safe & Secure

Watch this short 6-minute video to discover the steps we take to ensure our Data Loaders are completely safe to use with QAD.  

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Taming the Safety Stock Beast

Calculating Safety Stock Level in QAD—with NEW auto-calculate functionality   One of the most important parts of operations in any company is determining appropriate inventory levels. If you have too much inventory, you’ll tie up your working capital and wreak havoc on your cash flow. If your inventory is too low, you’ll have shortfalls in […]

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